Course details – The nitty gritty & maps
Race Starts in…
Due to unforeseen circumstances this event has been cancelled.
Saturday 26th September’15
Course Description
New details and new course (loaded 1st August)
The course in general
This new routes, based at the Tullagh Bay Equestrian have been re-designed to showcase every major scenic features along this North West coastline of Inishowen. The race explores the peaceful Tullagh Strand, kayak at Lenan Bay and hill trek up the beautiful Urris Lakes Hill. The extreme contenders will also encounter challenging climbs at Butlers Glen, and Mamore Gap.
This is a dream Adventure location with a combination of naturally challenging terrain for the experienced adventurer and flatter options for the Novice. Relay team options make this event doable with less than a 10k level of fitness.
All races start at the Tullagh Bay Equestrian Centre.
67K Ultra race
13.0K Run – Easy starter mile, leading to a 1.5k run of the horse shoe bay at Tullagh, followed by a 4k flat road before going off road onto Butlers Glen consisting of a 1000ft climb over 3k then a final decent on track before arriving at T1 Car park part way up Mamore Gap.
27.0k Cycle – The first cycle of the day starts with a steep 1.5k climb over remainder of Mamore Gap then after a fast bikes turn onto a challenging 5k off road climb followed by a steep 1k decent onto road. A fast 8k back to Clonmany and a relatively flat 9k out to Lenan Bay and T2 transition. This route is immersed in scenery and endurance.
2.0k Kayak – Kayaking is at Lenan Bay, surrounded by the Urris Lake mountain and Mamore Gap.
7.5K Mountain Trek – 50% trail / 50% heather the Urris Lakes hill trek is a tough but pleasant hill climb The Extreme challenge will go off the assigned route and finish with a tough final climb to the top overlooking the 2 lakes. Take a breather and appreciate the amazing views before commencing descent.
17.5K Cycle 2 – A tired body / legs will be more than thankful for the relatively flat final cycle which will encounter a short off road section along mile 2 before winding back to the Tullagh Bay Equestrian Centre and a very welcoming finish line.
42K Sprint Race
9.50k Run – Easy starter mile, leading to a 1.5k run of the horse shoe bay at Tullagh, followed by a flat 4m thru’ Clonmany and back to transition at the Tullagh Bay Equestrian Centre.
10.5k Cycle – The first cycle of the day is relatively flat so enjoy the surrounding Hills and Coastline as you make your way to Lenan Bay.
1.5k Kayak – Kayaking is at Lenan Bay, surrounded by the Urris Lake mountain and Mamore Gap.
6.5K Mountain Trek – 50% trail / 50% heather the Urris Lakes hill trek is a tough but pleasant hill climb The Sprint challenge will stay on the assigned tourist route with runners passing the Lakes on their left. Take a breather and appreciate the amazing views before starting the final descent.
14.0K Cycle 2 – Tired legs will be more than thankful for the relatively flat final cycle which will encounter a short off road section along mile 2 then a relatively flat winding route back to the Tullagh Bay Equestrian Centre and a very welcoming finish line.
24K Mini Adventure
6.50K Run – A level run along the Urris valley with mountains of Raithin and Mamore to the left and a clear vision of coastline in sight as runners make their way to Lenan Bay.
2.50K Mountain trek – All on trail, competitors will complete over 50% of this assigned tourist trail. Take a breather and appreciate the amazing views before starting the final descent.
1.0k Kayak – Kayaking is at Lenan Bay, surrounded by the Urris Lake mountain and Mamore Gap.
14.0K Cycle 2 – The longest leg, but a relatively flat final cycle which will encounter a short off road section along mile 2 then a winding route back to the Tullagh Bay Equestrian Centre and a very welcoming finish line.
Finish Arena
Tullagh Bay equestrian Centre – The finishers arena in the new Tullagh Bay Equestrian centre will greet you with a welcome worthy of the challenge. There are limited shower facilities so if you need to shower please keep it brief.
Rusty Nail Bar & Restaurant – Refreshments and presentation – You will be treated to a hot food Buffet to help you resuscitate while you reflect on your days achievement and compare experiences. Presentation will follow at 3:30. The finishers medals and T shirt to everyone will also serve as a well deserving memento of a job well done.
Course Maps
Click on files below for detailed course routes
Extreme course route map – download pdf
Sprint course route map – download pdf