Start your day with a sugar free fix
Diets – though not necessarily sugar free – are a major part of any runner’s performance, with the original thinking being that heaps of carbohydrates and sugar would fuel you for those long gruelling endurance runs. But that’s all changing with the recognition that protein now plays a major part in pre- as well as post-race nutrition. There is also a general awareness that while sugar might give you a high, it also brings the low with it, so – aside from all its other dangers – it’s not what you need for marathons and extreme events. Because sugar is now so heavily loaded into all processed foods, there’s a massive interest in sugar free diets and food. But it can be incredibly hard to find natural sugar-free foods that aren’t loaded with artificial sweeteners. So we’ve come up with a few recipes to help you out:
Extreme North recommends you try this sugar free cereal to start your day. It only takes about 20 minutes to make a fortnight’s supply, so it’s well worth the effort!
Melt and mix – 2 table spoons of Tahini + 2 table spoons of Coconut Oil in a pan.
Measure 4 Mugs of porridge oats into a bowl, pour in Coconut mix, mix well, place mixture in a baking tray with tin foil and bake in oven at 220c, for 20mins or until golden. (mixing up every 5-8 mins)
While waiting on mix to roast prepare:
- 1 mug of chopped almonds – chopped
- 1 mug of hazelnuts / walnuts – chopped
- Half mug Sunflower seed
- Half mug Flaxseed
- Half mug of Coconut flake.
Mix all above together.
Remove oats from oven and add rest of ingredients and mix well.
Serve with Greek Style yogurt (5%> sugar)
So why not give this great recipe a go and let us know what you think. You can call us on +353 862374644 or email
Acknowledgement – RAW Nutrition Letterkenny for a personalised nutritional plan